Tuesday, October 19, 2004

A Rant's Rant

Name Hidden said that he didn't understand why he let the liberals make him so mad. I know why they bother me. They bother me because these liberals walk around, safe in the knowledge that theirs is the popular view and that everyone who disagrees with them is just filled with hate. They know that nobody will ever call them on the hypocrisy because it's too un-PC. They have slowly but surely taken over the zeitgeist of our country and twisted it toward their own depraved agenda. And if you don't blindly jump on board, you're just a big mean meanie.

The thing is, there is one simple answer for the open-ended question, "Why do liberals think that_________?" Insert anything there and the short answer is always the same: Because it's easier. That's the bottom line with these people. It's easier to have a sense of entitlement. It's easier NOT to go to war. It's easier to let someone else do everything for you. It's easier to blame society for your own weaknesses. It's easier having the government tell you what to do. It's easier to give in to yourself and others. It's just easier.

And I'm going to go out on a limb here. It's not very sexy. It's not attractive. I'm woman, and I do not fantasize about a guy who gives in to his every whim and calls it sexual addiction. I have no interest in guy who whines. I'm not excited by a guy whose only conviction is that he has no convictions. A man who takes shit lying down is not a man at all. Ditto for women. I'm sick of liberal cowardice, weakness and defensiveness. It's old, it's ugly and it's getting awfully BORING.

I've said it before. Most of the people on the left constantly harp on and on about diversity. But God forbid it be diversity of thought. That, they cannot tolerate. You're allowed to be a different color. It's OK to be a different religion (unless it happens to be Christian). It's OK to be of a different sexual orientation. Hey, whatever floats your boat. But what is not OK is suggesting that people take care of themselves and be strong. It's not OK to disagree with anything anyone does in the name of tolerance.

Well, now THAT was a rant if ever there was one. I feel better now.


Blogger The Unseen One said...

Maybe "fills me with a need to antagonize and interject cold hard fact and future thinking into their emotion-filled arguments" is a better phrase than "makes me mad".

If there is one thing I can't stand, it is illogic bred by intellectual laziness... on EITHER side. Usually I find it more on the left. Just like you said, it is easier.

Now there is the occasional illogic on the right that bothers me, like not being able to buy beer and wine in a grocery store here in this state. What the hell is up with that??? One thing I loved about other states I lived in was gourmet shops where they had employees who actually knew a lot about wine. And when I wanted a bit of MGD, being able to go buy a six-pack for a reasonable price, instead of having to go to a bar and pay 8 bucks or have to go buy a case at a beer distributor. WHY DO WE HAVE THIS LAW HERE???

Sorry, went off on a tangent there.

To summarize, the worst thing about ignorance is its insistence. And many on the left are VERY insistent.

10:51 AM  
Blogger The Unseen One said...

Further more, their world view doesn't take into account "minor variables" like, oh, I don't know... HUMAN NATURE and CAUSE & EFFECT!!!

I need to do a post about Voter Fraud...

12:15 PM  

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