Thursday, November 04, 2004

Ron Reagan 2

Ron Reagan also said on election night that it is totally inappropriate for Bush to speak of the "sanctity" of marriage, and that the word "sanctity" has no place in politics. I disagree. I say in America, it belongs there when a majority of people SAY it does.

Oh, and HEY, looks like 25% of the gay vote went to Bush. That's over one million votes. Turns out there are lots of gays with jobs and lives. Turns out they don't all think alike, as the leftists would have us believe. Turns out some of them have brains, just like us.

Just had to get that last little bit of anger off my chest. I think I'm done now. I think it's time for me to stop torturing myself with all this and go back to writing about my crafts and favorite movies. I had no intention of allowing this blog to be so political, but one does get fired up around elections.

I vow that my next post will be kinda useless, just the way I like it.

I think I'm all done sharpening my claws.


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