By some miracle of luck and fate, I scored two fabulous seats to the Steelers-Browns game today. Let me assure you, that for a long-time Steeler fan like myself, this was an exciting turn of events. HOWEVER, three straight quarters of classic Steeler football were marred. Destroyed. I'll never get them back. I will forever remember this game as:
The game during which some kid kicked my f)*&^-ing chair the whole time.
Yes, that's right. Behind me sat a modern dad and his three "adorable" progeny. Three rugrodents, and I got the kicker. First, I had to ask myself, "What kind of a maroon would pay $50 a pop for three under 8's to watch a Steeler game?" Later, I had to ask myself, "Which brand of beer will kill me quickest?"
This is the kid that hangs over your booth at a restaurant, forcing you to smile and socialize. This is the kid whose parents bring him to the 11pm showing of Shrek 2 so he can sit right behind you and talk the whole time, while kicking your chair in time with the music. This is the little angel that you are supposed to think is CUTE!
I had had five (no kidding) IC Lights, and I felt I was getting brave. So, I gave the kid a couple of looks, not mean ones, just looks, and it had no effect. So I turned to the irresponsible parent. No effect. Yeah, giving mild looks is me, totally out-of-control.
I didn't know what was making me angrier, the child, the parent, or my own lack of assertiveness.
I want to make something perfectly clear, so that all y'all don't think I'm a total meanie. I don't hate kids. I really don't. I actually like them. What I hate, despise, and loathe are parents. Parents who think that the whole world revolves around their spawn. Parents who think the whole damn sea should part because their child is coming through. I've got big news: The fact that I am adult doesn't make my life less important. My status as a grown-up does not mean I got my Steeler ticket for free.
Now, I could go on forever about how this child-centric parenting is creating an entire generation of losers, but I won't. That's for another day, another rant.
So, the lame story ends this way: As the fourth quarter started, my nerves were like raw meat. Jerome Bettis scored a touchdown right in front of me, but I couldn't enjoy it fully. I was frazzled. I got up, and as I made my way past the "parent", I said "Let's go. I can only take so much chair kicking." Woo F*&^ ing HOO! I told him! I'm sure he's still reeling from THAT tongue-lashing.
So that's TOTALLY it. No more Mrs. Nice Guy. I'm going to start being a big jerk too. Yeah, right.