Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Buzzword Bingo

Inspired by The Data Nazi's (no data for you!) post on oxymorons, I am writing a post on business buzzwords. In my nine years as a tech writer, I have dealt with many executives who like to use silly bidnis buzzwords to make themselves feel all puffy and boardroomy. As a writer, I am trained to do just the opposite, and I train my students likewise. The lesson I try to teach my students is one that many of my clients need to learn as well: The purpose of language and writing is communication with your intended audience. Big words, buzzwords, jargon, and convoluted phrasing communicate nothing and so they should be left out of most manuals, and probably, most conversation. They are the styrofoam peanuts of language. They just make it harder to get at the actual contents of the box, if any. I contend that when the speaker is a suit, there's probably nothing in the proverbial box. For your consideration, here is a partial list of words and phrases that immediately make me think less of the speaker or writer:

think outside the box
anything about a "radar screen"
added bonus (redundant!)
past history (ditto!)
failure to comply
retrofit (ooooh, I hate that one.)

Well, that's all I can think of right now. The danger I'm facing is that I use these words jokingly so often, I forget that someone may be listening, and thinking I'm an empty suit, too. Suffice it to say, I'll bet Donald Trump never needs to use those canned experessions. I rest my case. Got any more for me?


Blogger The Unseen One said...

Possessed Satanic Styrofoam Peanuts!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Sorry. I guess I need to reprioritize my workspace for optimum feng shui so I can work smarter, not harder.

12:57 PM  
Blogger The Drake said...

here's a few from my world (i use 'em more than i care to admit):

from tech world:

bandwidth - availability to do additional work, not your network transmission capabilities.
reach out - shut up! you sent me an email, and it didn't exactly rock my world!
kloodge - a poorly conceived or implemented solution.
hack - loogie, anyone?
bug - actually, i like that one. it's brief and to the point.

from Church People:

using 'just' as a pious version of 'um' in prayer - Lord, we JUST ask that you hear our prayers... as opposed to what? Lord, we DEMAND that you hear our prayers? I HATE FALSE PIETY!!!

2:46 PM  
Blogger Kristine said...

Lord, we strongly suggest that you hear our prayer. We hope you are compelled to hear our prayer. Listen up, Lord!


Well, I'm off to reorganize my living space and retrofit it so that it is palatable to my impending visitors. I will utilize various task-specific implements, such as a Swiffer.

4:29 PM  

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