Thursday, October 28, 2004

Stupid Thought

Today, I was driving past my old grade school and the kids were out having gym class. I thought, "HA HA, I don't have to do that anymore! Instead, I'm driving my cool Jeep right past that school. Bet you dumb kids wish you were me! LOOK, I'm ALL GROWN UP and YOU'RE NOT!"

What the hell kind of freak am I? I'm in my thirties! Of COURSE I don't have to go to gym class. Not that it wouldn't do me some good. Maybe I should go to gym class.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Michael Moore - Crockumentarian

The best site for keeping track of the big dumb demagogue's most recent scramblings and ramblings and general narcissism. It's chock-full of debunky goodness. YUM!


20 Things I Really, Really Like

I am so exhausted with political banter. All it ever does is make my blood pressure skyrocket. The way I see it, all this back-and-forthing isn't going to change anything. I'm voting the way I'm voting and there's little more I can do right now. For that reason, I am placing a personal moratorium on political blah blah blah. Instead, I'm going to list 20 things I really, really like, in no particular order, as they come to me.

1. Jane Austen
2. Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
3. Chick Peas
4. Tomatoes
5. Soup
6. Old Dip Pens and Bottles of Ink
7. Fancy Paper
8. Slightly Archaic Diction (Avast!)
9. Perfume
10. Beethoven and all Melancholy Classical Music
11. Bill Bryson
12. Wine
13. Pottery (Making and Buying)
14. Trees
15. Swimming
16. Highly-Scented Candles
17. Mike Nelson
18. Alton Brown
19. Animals (mine and every other)
20. Extended, Hyphenated Adjectives

These things are good.

What do you like?

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

A Rant's Rant

Name Hidden said that he didn't understand why he let the liberals make him so mad. I know why they bother me. They bother me because these liberals walk around, safe in the knowledge that theirs is the popular view and that everyone who disagrees with them is just filled with hate. They know that nobody will ever call them on the hypocrisy because it's too un-PC. They have slowly but surely taken over the zeitgeist of our country and twisted it toward their own depraved agenda. And if you don't blindly jump on board, you're just a big mean meanie.

The thing is, there is one simple answer for the open-ended question, "Why do liberals think that_________?" Insert anything there and the short answer is always the same: Because it's easier. That's the bottom line with these people. It's easier to have a sense of entitlement. It's easier NOT to go to war. It's easier to let someone else do everything for you. It's easier to blame society for your own weaknesses. It's easier having the government tell you what to do. It's easier to give in to yourself and others. It's just easier.

And I'm going to go out on a limb here. It's not very sexy. It's not attractive. I'm woman, and I do not fantasize about a guy who gives in to his every whim and calls it sexual addiction. I have no interest in guy who whines. I'm not excited by a guy whose only conviction is that he has no convictions. A man who takes shit lying down is not a man at all. Ditto for women. I'm sick of liberal cowardice, weakness and defensiveness. It's old, it's ugly and it's getting awfully BORING.

I've said it before. Most of the people on the left constantly harp on and on about diversity. But God forbid it be diversity of thought. That, they cannot tolerate. You're allowed to be a different color. It's OK to be a different religion (unless it happens to be Christian). It's OK to be of a different sexual orientation. Hey, whatever floats your boat. But what is not OK is suggesting that people take care of themselves and be strong. It's not OK to disagree with anything anyone does in the name of tolerance.

Well, now THAT was a rant if ever there was one. I feel better now.

Monday, October 18, 2004


Everyone needs to watch this documentary. Kerry. What a maroon. What a hypocrite. What a jerk.

And while I'm on it...

This is a good link too. No Veal!

You know what's funny? Anybody who read my veal post would likely assume me to be a big honkin' liberal. But that's the liberal mindset. We must all think exactly alike on all issues. Diversity is great unless it is diversity of thought. I'm what Tammy Bruce calls a radical individual. Check her out. She's my favorite former leftist.

A Response to the Veal Issue

Look, as you know well, I am not a rabid vegetarian. I most certainly do not believe that eating animals is wrong. Wrong for me, yes, but not wrong in general. Veal, on the other hand, is a different story. I had no intention of getting into it, but I will, for you. ha ha I, personally, would prefer to eat an animal that had been hunted to one that had been grown specifically to be killed. My problem is the animal being treated as a product, and not allowed to ever be the animal God made it to be. Veal farmers are absolutely the worst offenders among us. The poor calves are kept in boxes for their entire short lives, and not allowed to roam or graze, because the exercise toughens and darkens the meat. The crates are often left with little shade and in wicked temperatures. They are fed milk only, instead of their natural diet of milk and grazing. By the time their number is up, they are usually too big for the crates they are in, covered in their own waste, and too weak to walk. If this seems OK to you, then by all means, eat up. YUMMY! SO TENDER! If I treated my dog half as badly, I'd have the animal taken from me and at least be fined. Such hypocrisy!

Now, I would think that you, as a nice thinking conservative will appreciate the following point: In America we give everything that is unpleasant a nicer name, so it's easier for us to digest (if you'll pardon the pun). Dead cow is BEEF, dead baby cow is VEAL, dead pig is PORK. We buy prepackaged hamburgers in the supermarket, completely sanitized from the real source, which is decidedly bloody. We aren't given the chance to see, know or appreciate what is required for us to have a nice, juicy burger. We aren't given the chance to be thankful for what we are really eating. I see that as being pretty leftist. Keep the people ignorant. Give me what I want, and keep it pleasant and easy. Let someone else do the dirty work. Sound familiar?

My dad was a hunter. As a child, I helped him butcher his various kills. I've seen where meat comes from, and as an adult, I decided that it was not OK for me. I, personally, do not want to engage in that trade.

I think that the American Indian way of dealing with this is best. "Thank you Great Spirit, thank you animal, and I'm sorry I have to take your life, and I promise not to waste anything." But we have been sanitized out of appreciation. And waste, oh, hell yeah. There's SO much waste.

I think when God said that we, as humans, have dominion over the animals, I don't think he meant that we could torture, abuse and waste them. I think he was entrusting them to our responsible care.

I'm just sayin'.

Try this - About veal.

Meet Your Meat - This is quite extraordinary.

This site has a lot of links. Go down to the factory farming section. I don't choose to look at this stuff, because it upsets me, and I don't need to.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

I swear I'm not such a bad person!

By some miracle of luck and fate, I scored two fabulous seats to the Steelers-Browns game today. Let me assure you, that for a long-time Steeler fan like myself, this was an exciting turn of events. HOWEVER, three straight quarters of classic Steeler football were marred. Destroyed. I'll never get them back. I will forever remember this game as:

The game during which some kid kicked my f)*&^-ing chair the whole time.

Yes, that's right. Behind me sat a modern dad and his three "adorable" progeny. Three rugrodents, and I got the kicker. First, I had to ask myself, "What kind of a maroon would pay $50 a pop for three under 8's to watch a Steeler game?" Later, I had to ask myself, "Which brand of beer will kill me quickest?"

This is the kid that hangs over your booth at a restaurant, forcing you to smile and socialize. This is the kid whose parents bring him to the 11pm showing of Shrek 2 so he can sit right behind you and talk the whole time, while kicking your chair in time with the music. This is the little angel that you are supposed to think is CUTE!

I had had five (no kidding) IC Lights, and I felt I was getting brave. So, I gave the kid a couple of looks, not mean ones, just looks, and it had no effect. So I turned to the irresponsible parent. No effect. Yeah, giving mild looks is me, totally out-of-control.

I didn't know what was making me angrier, the child, the parent, or my own lack of assertiveness.

I want to make something perfectly clear, so that all y'all don't think I'm a total meanie. I don't hate kids. I really don't. I actually like them. What I hate, despise, and loathe are parents. Parents who think that the whole world revolves around their spawn. Parents who think the whole damn sea should part because their child is coming through. I've got big news: The fact that I am adult doesn't make my life less important. My status as a grown-up does not mean I got my Steeler ticket for free.

Now, I could go on forever about how this child-centric parenting is creating an entire generation of losers, but I won't. That's for another day, another rant.

So, the lame story ends this way: As the fourth quarter started, my nerves were like raw meat. Jerome Bettis scored a touchdown right in front of me, but I couldn't enjoy it fully. I was frazzled. I got up, and as I made my way past the "parent", I said "Let's go. I can only take so much chair kicking." Woo F*&^ ing HOO! I told him! I'm sure he's still reeling from THAT tongue-lashing.

So that's TOTALLY it. No more Mrs. Nice Guy. I'm going to start being a big jerk too. Yeah, right.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

So, I've Got a Blog

Ok, so, now what do I say? I suppose now that I've got one, I'd better use it. For now, I have too many chores to do to sit down and write for real, but later, I'm sure I will be prolific and profound. I will tell you this: Right now, my cat is sleeping on the couch in my office and snoring. I think that's funny. Later!